USING ONLY ONE WORD! It's not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on by tagging your friends. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Be sure to tag the person you received it from!
1. Where is your cell phone? - charging
2. Your significant other? - who?
3. Your hair? - messy
4. Your mother? - small
5. Your father? - petit
6. Your favorite place? - beach
7. Your dream last night? - sensual
8. Your favorite drink? - milk
9. Your dream/goal? - difficult
10. What room you are in? - living
11. Your hobby? - reading
12. Your fear? - lizard
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - away
14. Where were you last night? - home
15. Something that you aren't? - thin
16. Muffins? - urgh..!
17. Wish list item? - love
18. Where you grew up? - KL
19. Last thing you did? - eat
20. What are you wearing? - sweat
21. Your TV? - broken
22. Your pet(s)? - 'cat'
23. Friends? - crazy
24. Your life? - unpredictable
25. Your mood? - twisted
26. Missing someone? - always
27. Car? - cute
28. Something you're not wearing? - undergarments
29. Your favorite store? - bookstore
30. Your favorite color? - white
33. When is the last time you laughed? - now
34. Last time you cried? - yesterday
35. Who will resend this? - noone
36. One place that I go to over and over? - kitchen
37. One person who emails me regularly? - facebook
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
Thank God It's Shithead!

...And small Ty mocked, 'Shithead ke shitet?'...
Pay no heed to the above statement. I just find that line amusing and it kept repeating itself in my head.
There is one very good reason why I don't like to live in with mom.
I woke up at 8 a.m. this morning and since then, I have eaten my breakfast twice! And it's only 11 a.m. right now. Grunt!
Other than that, living in with mom should be fine. Well yeah, except for the occasional nagging and privacy invading part, everything else is fine. Heheh..
And oh, let me quote my cousin Jamie - '..She will wash anything that is in front of her... Including the glass of water that I have just left for 30 seconds. When I turned back to get the glass, *poof*...magic! It's gone!' - This was meant for her sister Amy, but it is applicable to my mom too!
Three more weeks to graduation and I am still looking for the right job. And looking for the right job is like looking for the right man. It is so difficult to get everything you want in one package.
I came across a quote today that says...'Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable.' - Mrs White, (Clue 1985). But the truth is that none of them is like Kleenex. If they are soft and strong, they aren't disposable. And if they are disposable, it means that they aren't any near to being soft and strong.
I like this other quote I spotted: 'Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped'. Tsk, tsk..! I was wondering if this quote is applicable to both gender... Will this means that I am handicapped too?
Oh, what the hell...I'd better get into the shower and stop lazing around.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Cough Drops
Couldn't sleep well last night because of the intense coughing that I had all throughout the night. Plus at around midnight, little Tacetta pulled a tantrum that reverberate around the house, causing both small Ty and I to sat upright and sigh.
This morning I woke up with aching joints and a cramp in my stomach - out of the extreme clenching and unclenching of my abs muscle each time I forced out a cough. If this prolongs until the next 3 to 4 days, I bet I'm gonna developed some six-pack abs. Hehehe.. Ridiculous, dreamy me.
Right now I am in one of the classrooms in UKM, waiting for Madame Sabrina to finish her assignment. I am feeling famish but she is looking too serious, too soaked up in her work that I do not dare to interrupt. Dude, aren't you hungry? Enough with that HRD journal and let's go fill up our belly. Ok? Now!
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